Friday, January 14, 2011

Of Escapes, Learning From Peers &... the BAND

'Allo!  How are you guys today?  I just finished working out and I feel better since I'd been battling a cold.  I will say that Aleve D is the best stuff I've found for kicking a cold's ass.

So I discovered a fantastic site for illustrators called, "Escape From Illustration Island" & OMG what a Godsend Thomas James is!!  This site has advice, podcasts, blogs, interviews, tutorials, resources, etc.  I feel like I just won the lottery!  It's one huge artistic community that exists to make sure that I succeed as an artist.  :)  (They are here just for me right?)  Seriously though, if you're an artist you owe it to yourself to bookmark this site and visit it daily.  I'm just sayin'...

I sent samples to a really amazing magazine called, "ImagineFX" in the hopes of being included in one of their future issues.  I also sent a letter and samples to Hydra Publications in the hopes of getting a cover gig for their upcoming Steampunk Anthology.  It's possible that I missed the deadline for that one but I'll keep happy thoughts just the same!  Anyways - keep your fingers crossed!  :)

Tonight we resume rehearsals with my band Pandora Celtica!!!  Woo Hoooo!  After finishing recording on our Yule album called "On Thin Ice" we decided to take a break for a few weeks. I've missed my band.  Since we weren't rehearsing I filled that time up with other things (drawing, self-promotion, adding new pieces to my Etsy shop, etc.) but it'll be great to see everyone again and get back to my other passion, which is music.  I'll keep everyone posted on our upcoming gigs and things.  

Before I take off, I wanted to share a quote with you.  "Don't make work to make money... that leads to crap work. Don't try to be fashionable. Make the art you'd like to see.  In other words, draw what you love and your audience will find you!"  This applies to more than just art, I think.  I believe the universal quote is, "Follow your bliss."  Until next time.  :)

- Chaz -
Buy my art here:
Look at my art here:
Listen to my band here:

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